Pierce County Hearing Officer Culpepper Fails to Sign the Non-Collusion Agreement in 2018 and 2022

In 2022, Ronald Culpepper failed to sign the Non-Collusion & Disbarment Affadavit
 in his contract role as the Pierce County Ethics Commission Hearing Officer, making his contract invalid and his ethics in question - can he not guarantee the people of Pierce County that he will not collude in his role?  He failed to sign this in both 2018 and 2022. Is this an intentional oversight? Culpepper is a retired judge and attorney who certainly knows contract law, so ignorance should be no defense.  Culpepper is supposed to set ethical standards for the county; how can he be a role model when he cannot execute a valid contract? What is he hiding from the people? Who is he colluding with?

In 2018, Ronald Culpepper failed to sign the Non-Collusion & Disbarment Affidavit for his role as the Pierce County Ethics Commission Hearing Officer, a required step for his position and contract role to be valid.  


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