Resume for Ethics Commission Candidate Pierce County, Blake Patton

 Received this resume for the candidate for the Pierce County Ethics Commission.

E-mail sent 8/15/22 to the Pierce County Council:

As a concerned citizen, I object to Mr. Patton's nomination due to his lack of education and experience for the following reasons:

  • Only a high school diploma (2015) from Texas (never educated in Pierce County or anywhere in Washington State)
  • He uses his dad Brian Patton as a reference, who does not even live in Washington State.
  • No experience in decision-making, whatsoever
  • No managerial experience, whatsoever
  • No investigative experience, whatsoever
  • Experience only in "escalating" complaints, admits he cannot resolve complaints at his level. 
  • He does not know what he is applying for (he thinks it is for the City of Tacoma and does not realize it is for Pierce County)
  • No LinkedIn Profile
  • Lack of diversity (white male), whereas the commission is already comprised of 80% of white males and 100% white members.
Mr. Patton does not have the decision-making and investigative experience to serve a three-year term on the ethics commission.  He is so far underqualified that it is an embarrassment to the county, and it is disappointing that the executive has not given you any additional choices.  Past executives have advertised for this role in the Tacoma News Tribune and, in one year, received 35 applicants. Certainly, that is not the case here. There is no evidence of solicitation from the executive's office to find and fill these two vacancies with the highest qualified nominee.  It is my understanding that the ethics commission has NEVER had a commission member that is of African American, Latin, or Asian descent.  Mr. Patton is nothing but a continuation of Executive Dammeier's white privileged pride by nominating another white male who is NOT QUALIFIED while silencing any hope for diversity and selecting the best candidate to fill this role. 

For these reasons, I hope you consider voting AGAINST R2022-114 and demand Executive Dammeier nominate someone with the necessary experience to fill this crucial role in the ethics commission


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