"FYI. A little schadenfreude can often brighten one's day." Dan Grimm, Pierce County Deputy Executive, Chief Operating Officer

 "FYI.  A little schadenfreude can often brighten one's day." Dan Grimm, Pierce County Deputy Executive, Chief Operating Officer.  Schadenfreude means pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune. Here, a citizen raises concerns about conflicts within the county ethics commission, and Mr. Grimm admits that this misery gives him pleasure. This is the mind of a serial killer, not one who should be in public service. The e-mail was sent to Jennifer Tetazin, Planning & Public Works Director, who has no business with the executive's office. Dan Grimm Pierce County Executive Deputy, COO

Pierce County Executive Deputy and COO Dan Grimm attests to getting satisfaction by misery of others misfor... by HB on Scribd

Dan Grimm has blood on his hands
Why does Ronald Culpepper need to talk to Dan Grimm ASAP since Culpepper is ONLY the Hearing Officer of the County Ethics Commission?  This means Culpepper is to report to the commission itself and not to anyone in the county government.  Did Culpepper breach confidentiality to discuss an open complaint? What was so urgent for him to send this note at 7:48 AM, the day after the Fourth of July holiday? 

Pierce County Deputy Executive Dan Grimm calls Ronald Culpepper, Ethics Commission by PC Ethics on Scribd


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