
"FYI. A little schadenfreude can often brighten one's day." Dan Grimm, Pierce County Deputy Executive, Chief Operating Officer

 "FYI.  A little schadenfreude can often brighten one's day." Dan Grimm, Pierce County Deputy Executive, Chief Operating Officer.    Schadenfreude means pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune. Here, a citizen raises concerns about conflicts within the county ethics commission, and Mr. Grimm admits that this misery gives him pleasure. This is the mind of a serial killer, not one who should be in public service. The e-mail was sent to  Jennifer Tetazin, Planning & Public Works Director, who has no business with the executive's office.  Pierce County Executive Deputy and COO Dan Grimm attests to getting satisfaction by misery of others misfor... by HB on Scribd Why does Ronald Culpepper need to talk to Dan Grimm ASAP since Culpepper is ONLY the Hearing Officer of the County Ethics Commission?  This means Culpepper is to report to the commission itself and not to anyone in the county government.  Did Culpepper breach confidentiality to

Resume for Ethics Commission Candidate Pierce County, Blake Patton

 Received this resume for the candidate for the Pierce County Ethics Commission. E-mail sent 8/15/22 to the Pierce County Council: As a concerned citizen, I object to Mr. Patton's nomination due to his lack of education and experience for the following reasons: Only a high school diploma (2015) from Texas (never educated in Pierce County or anywhere in Washington State) He uses his dad Brian Patton as a reference, who does not even live in Washington State. No experience in decision-making, whatsoever No managerial experience, whatsoever No investigative experience, whatsoever Experience only in "escalating" complaints, admits he cannot resolve complaints at his level.  He does not know what he is applying for (he thinks it is for the City of Tacoma and does not realize it is for Pierce County) No LinkedIn Profile Lack of diversity (white male), whereas the commission is already comprised of 80% of white males and 100% white members. Mr. Patton does not have the decision

Public Comment to Pierce County Equity Review Committee on Lack of Diversity and Transparency in Ethics Commission

Date: Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 3:20 PM Dear Pierce County  Equity  Review Committee, I have raised concerns to County Council and Executive regarding the selection process to fill two vacancies on the Pierce County Ethics Commission. I have received no response from either branch. Thus, my concerns have fallen on deaf ears. Thus, I am reaching out to your organization to comment publicly on the lack of diversity on this commission and the Executive's failure to appoint members with diverse backgrounds.  Currently, up for a vote scheduled for 8/16/22 are two nominees in  Resolution R2022-114 , Blake Patton and Robert Batey.  However, the resumes of these two individuals are not made public.  My concern is the lack of transparency in the process - the nominees may not be the most experienced, best-suited, and highest qualified nominees and have been selected by Executive Dammeier through his Rolodex and did not make it a fair process. We do not know, but it is questionable that this is h

Pierce County Hearing Officer Culpepper Fails to Sign the Non-Collusion Agreement in 2018 and 2022

In 2022, Ronald Culpepper failed to sign the Non-Collusion & Disbarment Affadavit  in his contract role as the Pierce County Ethics Commission Hearing Officer, making his contract invalid and his ethics in question - can he not guarantee the people of Pierce County that he will not collude in his role?  He failed to sign this in both 2018 and 2022. Is this an intentional oversight? Culpepper is a retired judge and attorney who certainly knows contract law, so ignorance should be no defense.  Culpepper is supposed to set ethical standards for the county; how can he be a role model when he cannot execute a valid contract? What is he hiding from the people? Who is he colluding with? In 2018, Ronald Culpepper failed to sign the Non-Collusion & Disbarment Affidavit for his role as the Pierce County Ethics Commission Hearing Officer, a required step for his position and contract role to be valid.  

Pierce County Ethics Commission - Newspaper Clippings from Tacoma News Tribune

Collection of articles related to the Pierce County Ethics Commission  from Tacoma News Tribune (1984-2016)  April 10, 2016, How Ethical is a Secretive Ethics Code?  December 11, 2015, Retired Judge tapped for Lindquist ethics investigation. February 5, 2012, County Ethics Process Too Secretive August 13, 2011, Washam faces ethics complaint November 9, 2008, Ethics Commission to fill soon-vacant seat   May 27, 2006 Charter reviewers plan changes, attempts to make Pierce County more accountable. June 9, 2005, Doors block meeting access to Pierce County Ethics Commission. November 12, 2000, Ethics Commission Seeking Applicants May 12, 1996, Pierce County Ethics Commission seeks a set of new teeth March 16, 1994, Pierce County Ethics Commission finally has quorum April 27, 1992, County ethics code needs overhaul April 20, 1992, Ethics Commission Applicants Sought April 18, 1992, Ethics panel seeks stronger protection for whistle-blowers May 29, 1992, Gig Harbor woman named to ethics body